15 January 2018

Finally the Water looks like Water

Water, like skies, seems so easy. But water, particularly the ocean, is the quintessential "paint what you see" not what you think you see. When I started out I just reached for cobalt blue or ultramarine and mooshed it around. While the rest of the painting looked OK, the water sucked . . . really sucked. Because it just ain't blue. I could never understand how to use purple, green and red properly.

This week I painted a spot on Santa Cruz Island and I think I finally started to capture the water. My little Leo, age 5, gave me the best review ever. "Papa . . . I really like the water!" I asked him if he recognized the spot. Yes he said, it was the place where we hiked on Cathy's birthday. Ah, victory is sweet.

Fighting the Ugly Stage

It's the damndest thing . . . the ugly stage of a painting. After a careful drawing of the essential shapes followed by the setting up...