28 September 2012

A Veritable Frenzy

Trying to get to a place where I can crank out a painting a day . . . Trying different things. . . well, sort of. Those mountains seem to magically appear. I need to try and paint a cucumber.

18 September 2012

Graphical Graphical

Ah, the great debate outside Orderville. How graphic is too graphic? Simple shapes, exaggerated values and what do you get? Mark Fehlman is really developing as painter. His success, at least at this point, stems from his ability to simplify. He always laughs at me 'cause I get detailed and complicated way too early (Maybe I'm like that in real life too!). I'm trying to control myself. I found this old griselle in my bone pile. I thought of Mark. I went for max crazy value contrast. It looks unfinished but it's finished for now.

Forward to the Past

Oil doodling is what it is. The music was playing, I had just cleaned my palette and brushes. Another day of pushing paint. I sat down in the big brown chair and drank a water. Had a few pictures in a stack. Pulled this one out . . . . hmmmm . . . . I think it would be fun to mess with Payne's Gray. Maybe some gold ochre. Value sketch. It proves I'm not a draftsman, but what the hell?

12 September 2012

Inyo Sunset

It's a funny thing. Sometimes I just think that I'll just push some paint around and make it a visceral experience. Don't think-Squeeze out the paint. Don't think -Choose a color. Don't think-Block in the shapes. Don't think . . . . well something always happens as any painting evolves. "Hey, not bad," that silly voice in my head interrupts the reverie. "Uh, oh," I think, "I better get serious."

Ah, there's the problem . . . thinking again. This was just an experiment in composition and value, not some "piece" I'm doing for an art show. But I can't help myself. My simple paint pushing turns into trying to "make" something. I tried to quit before I got carried away.

04 September 2012

Possessed by Sugar Knoll

   First Home Effort from MDC 2012

Possessed by Sugar Knoll and those cottonwoods, I continue to paint the classic scene regularly. I painted this scene very quickly, rushing headlong into shapes and values with a large brush. The composition is about right although I'm not sure that cabin is in the right place. But this was a lesson in shape and value. Good fun after an amazing time in Utah

Fighting the Ugly Stage

It's the damndest thing . . . the ugly stage of a painting. After a careful drawing of the essential shapes followed by the setting up...